Sunday, January 31, 2010

Katharina's Profil;)

Hey everybody:)
My name is Katharina and I'm 17 years old. But at the 11th of February I'll be 18 years old. I'm sure you want to hear something about me and my exciting life, here in Germany. So I'll start to tell you something. First I have a little sister, she i
s 13 years old named Marie. She has got a seperate room, so you can sleep at rest. Together with my sister, mother and father I live in a house in Essen. Our dog (Cora) plays also a very important role in my life because I raised up together with her.
Since Novem
ber last year, I go to school at "Gymnasium Essen Nord-Ost" and I'm happy to changed the school because I got a lot of new friends. I'm sure when the exchange is done you will say something like "...the guys from Essen are really nice and amusing, so let's spend some time another date."
In my free time I spend a lot of time with my friends. We're spontaneous and you will have a lot of fun because I think we w
ill laugh a lot together. We go out for food or visit the cinema, last weekend we did a DVD evening with ice cream and popcorn...and so on. Sometimes I go jogging but now in the cold winter days I avoid it. I like it to go shopping with my friends because we have a lot of possibilities to go shopping in Essen and environment. When I got some time, I go horseback riding togehter with my sister.
I think pun
ctuality, cheerfulness, respect obverse everybody and capacity for teamwork are points which identifies my personality.
All in all my motto for living is "Keep on rocking" :)
I think the essay is enough to imagine me in some ways.
Now I'm happy
when I' m thinking about to meet you in a few days, I hope you, too;)
You can contact me about MSN:
or ICQ: 344-741-861

Nice greets, Katharina:)

1 comment:

  1. KADDA BUMM BUMM <3 sehr schönes profil, hübsche fotos!
